Moshae Donald with Pure CBD Mobile

Moshae Donald with Pure CBD Mobile

This week, we're sitting down with Moshae Donald, esq. Moshae is a lawyer specializing in numerous areas of practice as well as the owner of Pure CBD Mobile. Listen to this week's episode to hear her perspective on business and why morale is essential in running one.

Produced by Blue Fish in Mobile, Alabama


Moshae Donald: My name is Moshae Donald. I own Pure CBD Mobile and I'm a practicing attorney.

Marcus Neto: Very cool.

Moshae Donald: In the daytime.

Marcus Neto: Well it's nice to have you here.

Moshae Donald: Thank you for having me. I'm excited.

Marcus Neto: No, so normally how we get started as you know, to tell us this story, some backstory of Moshae and where are you from? Where'd you go to high school? Did you go to college? Obviously you did because you're an attorney. Where'd you go to law school? Are you married? You know, all that kind of stuff.

Moshae Donald: Okay. I am originally from Mobile. I grew up in Thomasville and Creighton. I went to Holloway Elementary, Field's Prep Middle School. John Elefor High School, the John Elefor High School, and then I went to Alabama A&M University in Huntsville. And shortly thereafter, well after I graduated I went to Vanderbilt Law School in Nashville and then I moved back home. I do have an eight year old son. I'm a single parent. I have two sisters and a brother. Everybody's local. I have lots of nieces and nephews. I like to read. I like to paint.

Marcus Neto: Long walks on the beach.

Moshae Donald: That sort of thing.

Marcus Neto: One of the things that's interesting that you're saying you went to Vanderbilt, which is a very, very good school. And so obviously you had a lot of opportunity that was available to you after graduating. Why did you choose to come back to Mobile?

Moshae Donald: Well, the real reason if I can just be transparent is because I had my son my third year in law school. And so as a single parent I wanted to come back home where my family is and where I knew that I would have a lot of support also because my heart is just always here and I don't think that the work that I want to do in the world would mean as much if it wasn't with my family around and close by.

Marcus Neto: So it also just calling a spade a spade. I mean you're growing up in areas that, you know, most people don't make it out of.

Moshae Donald: Absolutely.

Marcus Neto: Let alone ended up at Vanderbilt and graduating with a law degree.

Moshae Donald: Right.

Marcus Neto: What was different about you or your upbringing? How did you, I mean, cause I mean that's far cry. Like I don't know those areas that well, but I know Creighton well enough to know that the median income of Creighton I have been told is somewhere around $15,000 a year.

Moshae Donald: Well for me and let me just say there are a lot of amazing people they come out of Creighton.

Marcus Neto: Absolutely. Not saying anything about it. It's just, you know, it's not ... and I it didn't mean anything by that other than, cause I grew up in an area that probably wasn't too well, it's not, it wasn't, you know, I'm not going to say that it was like Creighton, but it was not exactly the greatest area. And so, you know, it's not, I think what I find when I talk to people in those areas is that sometimes it's the mindset. Sometimes it's the opportunity that keeps people in an area that doesn't have the means like a three, six, six zero eight.

Moshae Donald: Right, right. So I think for me, when you look on paper and you see the median income, like you just said, of an area or a community like Thomasville and Creighton that's on paper, right? And there is a perception from whatever comes out of the news and whatever numbers we can look at. But those same things that people would look at to say that, how did you come out of that community? Like really how I came out of that community ... what's not on paper is the teachers who really cared about me. The mentors who really cared about me. The Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club that's in Creighton that, I mean really saved my life. I grew up in an abusive home and so that would be my retreat. This is where I would run to because I did not want to be at home.

Moshae Donald: And so that village around me in Thomasville and Creighton and my own resilience I think is what you know propelled me and gave me a different sort of trajectory that some other people my same age may not have taken advantage of. I can't say that it wasn't there, you know, for them. But I received it because I wanted love. I wanted to be great. Thank God I was always really smart anyway. And I just needed people around me to nurture and cultivate that. And so I had a lot of love in my neighborhood and in my communities. Again, shout out to Boys and Girls Club because they were instrumental in me getting out and being a great asset now.

Marcus Neto: I think it's interesting cause I, again, didn't grow up with a whole lot either. And I think there's something interesting that happens when you grow up like that in a home where you know, everybody else has the nice shoes or the nice car or whatever, you know, and there's something that you kind of look at that and it drives you. There's a certain amount of hustle that you have to have because you want to get to that that point. You want to be able to afford the nice things or to have the vacations or to do those things. But I don't know. It's interesting to me because I do ... actually one of those things that I just kind of spend time thinking about of like, how did I end up with an advertising agency?

Marcus Neto: How did I end up with some of the means that I have? Because, you know, again, my father, I love him dearly. He loved me so much that he made a lot of sacrifices for me. But he was a single parent, immigrant, coming here from Brazil. Worked as a manager for Burger King for a number of years of my childhood. So I mean it wasn't like we were ... I mean we didn't grow up with a lot of the things that others grew up with. And I'm involved with Fuse Project and so one of our desires is to see certain areas of Mobile that we can impact have the same opportunity that 36608 has.

Moshae Donald: Right.

Marcus Neto: So we're trying to affect that change. So anyway.

Moshae Donald: I'm excited too cause I'll be a part of Fuse this year.

Marcus Neto: Are you? Order of Fuse?

Moshae Donald: Yeah. Yeah.

Marcus Neto: Very good. That's awesome. Well so back on track to where we normally are, cause I just thought that was very interesting and you and I don't really know each other. So some of this is kind of, I'm learning some of this stuff as well, but what was your first job and were there any lessons that you remember from it?

Moshae Donald: My first job ever was Sonic Restaurant. I think it was the one on Mount Lamar. If that's there still. But that was my first job. And I remember I told them before I even knew if I had the job or not. I said, you know, I'll work hard, I'll be here whenever I need to be here, but I will not skate. They said, well you got to skate. I said I don't know what to tell you cause, you know, I can't. I can't bring food to cars and then fall on my butt and have some of my classmates see me on the ground with tater tots.

Marcus Neto: Yeah.

Moshae Donald: That was a cool experience. And then I was a telemarketer like 16 or 17 working at West Telemarketing over there by the Waffle House off Dolphin Street. And then I went to Alabama A&M after that.

Marcus Neto: Very good. So go back to your time at Sonic though. I mean, were there any lessons that you learned? Because I find that often times those jobs are the workforce development for people that are going to go out and do bigger things like you are doing and so are there any lessons that you remember from your time there at Sonic that ...

Moshae Donald: I do recall when we, so I guess thinking back on it, is Sonic a franchise?

Marcus Neto: It is.

Moshae Donald: Okay. So I believe that we went through like some ownership changes and we got a new set of owners. It was a husband and wife team and when I was there, even though I was a kid, they made me feel like I was a part of something. Like you know, we have to be great. Our store has to look good. We, we, we not y'all better kind of thing. And I would stay late, you know, just to help them out a little bit more than if I were supposed to get off at 10 I might stay until 11 if I could just because I was personally invested because they made me feel like I was a part of the team and they weren't sitting there watching me clean.

Moshae Donald: They were cleaning with me.

Marcus Neto: Right.

Moshae Donald: Because this was going to be like ... we're introducing now the whatever the special was, 44 cents slushies or whatever that may have been starting the next day and we need to get everything all ready for that. So we would all stay late and at the end I just felt like we did it. Not like I stay late for this company.

Marcus Neto: Right.

Moshae Donald: And so ownership and investment are really important. Even if people are not being paid a whole lot of money, if you make them feel good and you make them believe in your vision and what you see for the business, I think that you get better work morale and people just feeling better about extending their time and energy for you beyond what they had originally committed to.

Marcus Neto: Yeah, the sense of pride and sense of ownership. Yeah. That's excellent. Well tell us about your practice.

Moshae Donald: I was drinking coffee. If you're wasting, I'm sorry.

Marcus Neto: It's mid afternoon so we're trying to get that mid afternoon pick me up.

Moshae Donald: My practice has changed a bit. Starting June 3rd I joined a firm but before then I've mostly been on my own. I've you know, partnered with other law firms but I've been law office of Moshe Donald since I started, which was when I passed the bar exam in 2013. I joined another practice this past June. They do a lot of municipal and government defense, insurance defense. Those are practice areas that I have no experience with. And so I wanted to get some experience in some new areas, some civil areas cause I typically have always done juvenile work, which is my passion.

Moshae Donald: Anybody that knows me knows that that's just my whole heart is working with kids and I was a teacher actually before I started practicing law. Here in Mobile. I taught in Prichard. That's what my undergrad degree is in. But anyway, I did juvenile. I still do criminal defense, paternity custody, child support, adoption, like people stuff, you know when people have problems. Just typical people stuff, not like, you know, corporate problems or business type things. I'm getting more into that now, but I've always liked to really help people get out of a jam or help somebody get their kid back or help a kid get out of trouble. Get them back on the right track.

Marcus Neto: So how did you get started in your own practice though? Tell us a little bit about that. Cause I would imagine, I mean as a person graduating from law school, you have opportunities afforded to you. Like you can either go and join another practice or go corporate, you know, but you chose to start your own, your own practice. What was that experience like?

Moshae Donald: Well, when I graduated from law school, I did not immediately want to practice law because like I told you earlier, I had just had ... I hadn't just had my son, but he was still a baby. And I thought that a law practice would be more taxing on me than what my degree was already in, which was education. So when I moved back to Mobile, I immediately went into the classroom and I taught for second and fourth grade for three years. And then I took the bar exam, I passed, I resigned from the school system, and then I realized that in Mobile, there aren't a lot of firms that were like firms doing what I want to do. The firm firms, where you can like log on, get online and apply. They're like big civil defense firms or firms with ...

Marcus Neto: Personal injury.

Moshae Donald: Yeah personal injury type deals. Stuff that I really didn't have a passion for at the time. And so I wanted to do what I wanted to do, which is typical Moshae. So, and that's still, you know, to this day right now, but I just thought, you know, I'm just going to do what I want to do. I'm going to hang a shingle and start my own practice. And that's what I did. I wanted to control what cases I could take, what people I could help, how long I needed to work, if I could work from home. I just needed that flexibility.

Moshae Donald: As I remember as a teacher, my son had autism. He was on the spectrum and I needed flexibility to go to this fun day with him or I need to go on a field trip with him or whatever. And I just remember, you know, kind of groveling, begging. Can I take half a day and like getting stressed out about if I was going to be able to get off work or not. And I just never wanted to be in that position again to have to go through that. And since I had the opportunity to work for myself, that's what I did. And I never even applied for a law firm. I just came straight out the gate. And said this is what I'm doing. I had my little office. Started my little Google ad campaign.

Marcus Neto: There you go.

Moshae Donald: And had my first uncontested divorce, like within two days of me launching my website and stuff. I mean internet is powerful, powerful stuff. Business started coming in.

Marcus Neto: And we might need to quote you on that. Internet is powerful thing. So yeah. Now go back to that. So you mentioned you know two days afterwards that you had your first uncontested divorce and that doesn't have to be the example, but do you remember maybe the first case that you took that man, you know I really, I made the right move here. Like, cause I think a lot of times you can go through school and think that hey this is the path that I want to do. But there's some solidifying moment afterwards where you think, man, I really made the right decision. Like I'm really in my element. I'm helping these people. Do you remember that case for you?

Moshae Donald: I can't really pinpoint it to a single case. I think there was a series of moments where you have your first case, you're nervous, you don't know what you sound like. Do you sound like an idiot? Do you like, you know, how you're being perceived. And I was arguing my point, defending someone, probably a child because I did juvenile so much at first and I remember looking around like this is working. They're listening. This is like a winning argument I think. And then moments like that one after the other where I was successful, where kids parents were coming to me saying, thank you so much for fighting for my child.

Moshae Donald: And I would take a minute and just breathe and like reflect like I am really doing some good work here. So just moments like that. And then other opportunities that have come along the way with that for me to mentor children, for me to participate in their special needs process because I had a special needs child myself. So I was able to be teacher, advocate, attorney for some of these kids. And so that gave my life a lot of meaning. You know, when I would sit back and think about the importance of what I felt like I was doing.

Marcus Neto: Cause I mean oftentimes it's important to have that feeling that there is some significance to what you're doing. There's meaning to it. So now if you were talking to someone that wanted to get started in running their own business, what's the one bit of wisdom that you would impart to them?

Moshae Donald: Oh, running your own business. The one bit I would say is to really nail down your vision from the beginning. Don't develop it over time. I mean, you can evolve it over time, but branding what your mission is, how you want things to appear, your audience, your demographic, all that stuff needs to be anticipated from the forefront so that everything after that will follow towards the model that you've set. And writing out a business plan. It may seem tedious, it may seem like, well who's going to see this?It's for me.

Moshae Donald: But you really need to clamp down on every piece of the business before you execute because if not, you'll see inconsistency. You'll want to pass it off to people, maybe delegate and they won't be able to follow what you said because your mind is kind of scattered. You're still like trying to get it together as you go. So like really spend some time in the abstract planning, inflation things out and then execute and don't execute until you've done that. If I could say the one bit, I mean there's a lot of stuff I could say.

Marcus Neto: Any little tidbits of wisdom that you want to?

Moshae Donald: Keep it to yourself. Keep it to yourself for a good bit. Don't share your plans. Don't share your dreams right out the gate with people you don't trust. Wait until you have it to a place where you trust yourself, you trust what you've dreamed of, what your vision is, and then go forward. Because if your mind and your dream is not solidified, you can tell somebody and they'll say, that is not going to work. That is so dumb. You know? And then you'd be like, she said that was dumb, maybe shouldn't do this. And then what happens to a dream deferred?

Marcus Neto: No, that's true. Absolutely. That's really good. Often times, you will get negative comments or questions that kind of make you kind of, think twice about things and stuff like that when you're just starting out. And I think if you're not real solid on what it is that you're trying to do, then it's very easy to get pushed off track. You never know what will happen if you don't execute on that.

Marcus Neto: So now if you were to look to the business world and think, you know, the larger business world, is there someone that motivates you? If you were in the ... I often use the line of if you're in the line at the grocery store and you see this person on a magazine, like you want to pick up that magazine and see what they have to say.

Moshae Donald: The first person that comes to mind would be Gary V. He motivates me. No on the business end.

Marcus Neto: So let's just stop for a second. So a lawyer is telling me that Gary V is the person that they look to?

Moshae Donald: When it comes to formulating a business.

Marcus Neto: No, but that's a perfectly good ignite ... I'm not knocking your, I just think it's, I mean like I'm like, I think I'm just blown away. One that you, I mean obviously you're younger, so I mean, I would imagine that you're keeping track of like what's going on on social media and stuff like that. But at the same time, like it just blows me away that you would say Gary V. cause I mean like he's somebody that we obviously know about because of our business.

Marcus Neto: So for those of you that don't know, Gary V is probably the most prolific person online. Like he generates a ton of content. He owns one of the largest agencies in the world and has his finger really kind of on the pulse of what's going on online. I don't mean to interrupt you, but I just think it's phenomenal that you know who he is.

Moshae Donald: I mean I think substantively with the content of what I do. Like I, as I said at the beginning, my CBD business is opening this weekend, so I could run off to you people in that industry that I admire, people in the legal field that I admire, lawyers, judges, a lot of people, but like across the board, inspiration across the board, energy for hustle and for vision and for dreaming and not giving up is Gary V. I listen to Gary V. at some point during the day, every day. Because it applies to whatever I'm doing. It even applies to me being a mom, you know?

Marcus Neto: Right. Yeah. I know. No, he's definitely shaped some conversations that I'm having because I have an older son who's at Alabama right now. A middle son who's a senior and then a younger son. And you know, like even his conversations that he's kind of started around college and whether everybody should go to college and getting experience and following your dreams. And you know, also the whole idea, and I think we've talked about this a little bit on the podcast about the long tail of business now instead of where everything used to be very, you had to be the Walmart or the Target. Now it's like, well no, I want to be the person that I don't know. I used an example the other day, but you know, like I make coffee mugs that are shaped like cats and that's all I sell.

Marcus Neto: And they're only pink. You can have a business that's literally doing that now because of the internet and, and so he often makes the comment of, you know, if your thing is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then start a podcast about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and start a store that sells products that you find at yard sales that are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all this stuff. And he's like, you can make, you know, a six figure income just being the biggest fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And I'm just like, I love it. Cause I think you know, he's right. Like the internet has changed everything and so ...

Moshae Donald: It really enables you to follow your passion. Like be that person, be that pink cat mug person.

Marcus Neto: Mug making. Yeah. Right now there's somebody listening to this going, you know what? That sounds like a really good idea.

Moshae Donald: And it's going to sell out.

Marcus Neto: Don't do that. Don't do that. That was me just pulling something out of my butt. Let's not go down that path. So I'm going to make them in Siamese and we're going to make the hairless cat version. Fluffy Felix the cat version and the Garfield version and they're all going to be pink. So Gary V, that's, I mean I love it. So I'm going to ask you, are there any books, podcasts, people or organizations that have been really helpful in moving you forward? And I'd just say like if you want to expand on your Gary V., that's fine, but if you have something else than that would be great as well.

Moshae Donald: Podcasts that I listen to are typically like legal dramas like White Lies. It's about a murder in the 60s in Selma and some guys have kind of tracked down another murderer who was not brought to justice during that time and he like just died. So podcasts that tied together social justice and legalities. That's a passion of mine. There's a podcast about a case in Mississippi where this man has been tried for this quadruple murder seven times now, seven times. It's gone to the ...

Marcus Neto: Never heard of double jeopardy there have they?

Moshae Donald: Yeah seven times and it just came back from The Supreme Court and gave him a new trial again. So those are the types of podcasts that I listen to. Books that I read typically are also in law. One book that I can say is The New Jim Crow. That book really, it really, it's hard for me to kind of wrap my mind around what we deal with in Alabama. It's not hard for me to wrap my mind around it at all, in fact.

Marcus Neto: Because you've lived it.

Moshae Donald: But in Alabama where we have a third of black men who can't vote because of felony convictions, a lot of them due to nonviolent marijuana offenses. That just really inspires me to remain committed to my activism. Whether that's as a lawyer, whether that's through my other business, whether that's through working with nonprofit organizations to mentor children to intervene in the school to prison pipeline. I'm working with juveniles because that mass incarceration piece is the new Jim Crow. It is a real thing and I think about that all the time as a mom of a little black boy growing up in Mobile, Alabama.

Moshae Donald: That's at the forefront of my mind always is raising him to not have to deal with some of the stereotypes and some of the institutions that are already set up to his detriment, you know, aside from who he is as a person, aside from what he may have to offer the world. And that's hard. You can't get away from stereotypes, you know, with some people and in some realms. So that drives me as a lawyer. That keeps me committed to the profession because a lot of times I think about maybe I just need to take a break. Maybe I just need to not practice law, maybe go into my business full time. But I can't get away from that. I can't get away from feeling like I need to help people. Feeling like I need to help right wrongs.

Marcus Neto: Who was it? I mean just recently there was one of the states that legalize marijuana, also expunged the records of all the people that were currently incarcerated.

Moshae Donald: Yeah, that was in New York.

Marcus Neto: New york. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Moshae Donald: And, I mean, you have that there. And here in Alabama we're like, well, we'll study. We'll study medical marijuana.

Marcus Neto: Yeah, no, They're not ... well, I mean like that's another podcast. But I'm convinced that at some point in time, Alabama will have no choice but to accept, marijuana as you know ... whether it's federally mandated or whether they just realize the tax dollars that they're missing out on because you know, you're going to have Florida next door. I mean, I think Georgia will probably also legalize it if they haven't already. And I can't see, you know, Mississippi, not legalizing it, although maybe they don't. Maybe they do keep it illegal. But Louisiana has already kind of loosened up things. They're not prosecuting people with small amounts.

Moshae Donald: Right. But here's the question, and I already know the answer to this, but what you're saying is obvious. The tax dollars, the prisons are overpopulated. Those are people that we can get out and set them on their way, purge their records just like they have in other states. Why won't we do that in Alabama? Why won't we do that in Mississippi? Why haven't we done that in Georgia?

Marcus Neto: It's completely different ...

Moshae Donald: And I know how it is, but I'm just asking an open ended question. Why won't we?

Marcus Neto: I agree with you. Things just move, for whatever reason, things just tend to move a little bit slower. Unfortunately people ...

Moshae Donald: I know the reason though.

Marcus Neto: No, I know. In people's minds here are just very, very slow to change and it really sucks. And you know, just to illustrate a point, so we were at a technology conference in Colorado in 2017 I think it was. We were in Denver and we went into one of the dispensaries and I was talking to the guy about tax, you know, the taxes and about what the effect of marijuana has. Cause I was curious, I was like, I'm going to go to a place where they're literally like, you know, in the middle of all this. And I said, what has marijuana done for the state of, of Colorado? And he said, well, the marijuana industry, and this was in October or November of 2017 and he said, the marijuana industry for the last 16 months has generated over a hundred million dollars of revenue and marijuana is taxed at 20%. So they had generated over a hundred million dollars in tax revenue.

Marcus Neto: Actually what's that? More like a hundred and you know, $160 million or something like that in tax revenue. Like all of the states are experiencing that kind of thing. I just don't see how a tax, I mean you want to talk about, let's talk about the Bay Way problem. I mean, you want to pay for the Bay Way? Legalize marijuana. I mean it'll be paid for in five years. You know what I mean? And also not even to mention the idea of, you know like there's a whole minority class of people that are being prosecuted, for this that you know it really ...

Moshae Donald: Disproportionately.

Marcus Neto: Yeah disproportionately.

Moshae Donald: I mean when you consider the disparity. Going into a dispensary or whatever in Denver like I did in May. I took one of the first flights, the Frontier flights to Denver and you go in these places and they look like Apple stores.

Marcus Neto: They are. Yeah.

Moshae Donald: Selling marijuana and there are all sorts of people in there. Black, white, it's commercialized. It's clean and people are making millions of dollars. And then I come home and people that I've gone to high school with are languishing in Alabama prisons, which I mean according to these reports that we've gotten now, I mean they're living in deplorable conditions and for some people who are there, it's just that. It's marijuana offenses and then we're dealing with disproportionate profiling, arrest, convictions. And then you had this on your record. You can't work. You have to deal with being able to feed your family.

Moshae Donald: And so then we have a cycle. We have repeat offenders because they come out and they don't have opportunities.

Marcus Neto: They have no other choice.

Moshae Donald: Right. And I mean a piece of what we are going to have to do in Alabama will have to be some sort of redemptive, just as you can't say, well we'll make tax dollars from it and we'll legalize it. But then all the people that have been hurt by it, all the people who have been oppressed by it, what's going to happen to them? I mean this state has to do what's right by people who have dealt with marijuana convictions. And that's all. I understand for people that go out and rob or who are violent, whatever, but marijuana please. I mean you get it. A lot of people don't know this, but you know, it's a misdemeanor at first, for a little piece of something and then the next time it's a felony. And then you can't vote. I mean, that's what I'm talking about, about the new Jim Crow. That's how it happens.

Marcus Neto: Well if you are listening to this and you haven't really kind of taken a look at this as an issue, then I really would implore you to kind of read up on what we're talking about here. This is not just a matter of like being able to have fun with your friends. This is legitimately an issue where there is a predominant class of people that are being prosecuted for this and it's just it's not right. Something needs to change. So, and that starts with all of us kind of educating ourselves on this and voting differently than what, because like you're saying the people that have been impacted by this can't vote. So anyway.

Moshae Donald: We've got to vote and we've got to vote smart and we need to stop voting straight ticket. We need to really pay attention.

Marcus Neto: About the issues. Yeah.

Moshae Donald: To what the issues are.

Marcus Neto: Obviously there's a a group of 50,000 people right now on Facebook that are questioning their allegiance to the Republican party even because of Governor Ivy's actions recently with the bridge and all that other stuff. So I hope it wakes people up. I've always tried to vote the issues and tried to vote, based on what people believe or what they say they're going to do. But anyway, what's the most important thing that you've learned about running a business?

Moshae Donald: The most important thing? So many things. The most important thing that I've learned is there's not much sleep. Maybe not the most important thing.

Marcus Neto: If you like to sleep, don't start a business. That's great.

Moshae Donald: I mean, hey, if, if you like rest if you like long nights of risk, then I don't know what to tell you, but maybe that's just, I'm the thought does at the top of my head this morning because I'm not getting rest and I'm really tired, which is why I'm sipping on this coffee at 1:45 but my grand opening is this weekend. And even though I have investors, I have people working with me at the end of the day, it comes back to me. It's my vision. It's my business. So long nights when things need to happen that you know, if I want it done a certain way, this is my vision. Well somebody else may say, well that's all right. It's fine like it is. No, because I wanted it, I envisioned it this way. So sometimes that means I'm going to go up there and stay, you know, six more hours after I leave my law practice so that things can be right and executed in the fashion that I intend.

Moshae Donald: So not much sleep, but just stay committed. Like remember the energy that you had from the beginning when you dream this up, remember how much you believed in yourself. And even when you may not feel that way every day or if you get some bad news. Cause one thing that I've been learning with the CBD and marijuana industry is institutions make it so tough. Insurance, banking. It's not the typical things that you would think about. All that stuff is really hard. An when you get those roadblocks, it's easy for you to say, you know what? Forget it. I'm just not going to worry about this. It's too difficult for me. But think about the dream. Always go back to the energy and the thought process you had from the beginning and just draw inspiration like from there, from yourself to push you through.

Marcus Neto: That was excellent. Now how do you like to unwind?

Moshae Donald: Man, I actually watch one episode of The Office every night when I get home. Every single night. I can't think of any other show that makes me laugh the way Michael Scott does. I mean, it's just so light and so funny because my day is like really heavy and so I can unwind by watching that or having a conversation with my son. He is really, really funny and I know people think their kids are funny, but my kid is really funny.

Marcus Neto: The next Chappelle.

Moshae Donald: So yeah, I just watch something light or I might read a book or sit on the balcony or something like that. I don't do too much.

Marcus Neto: Yeah. That's excellent. Yeah. Well, I want to thank you again for coming on the podcast. To wrap up any final thoughts or comments?

Moshae Donald: Final thoughts and comments? Thank you so much for having me. It's been a blast. Secondly, to any young entrepreneur out there, old entrepreneur out there, don't give up. Don't doubt yourself if you don't have the money. Talk to other people. Like if you don't like have bank access to loans, talk to other people. Put money together and come up with a business. There are lots of ways to get from A to Z and so don't let anything deter you. Fight for what you believe in and speak your truth. And that's about it.

Marcus Neto: And go after it.

Moshae Donald: Go after it.

Marcus Neto: Yeah. Tell people where they can find you. Find your businesses.

Moshae Donald: You can find me on Facebook. Just look up Moshae Donald. But seriously, my law practice is at Galloway Wittemarks, the law firm at Cottage Hill. It's a really great firm. My business is Pure CBD Mobile. It's at 3700 Government Boulevard, in the same shopping center as Jamaican Vibes. And like I said, I'm a social media extraordinaire-ish. So if you just look me up on Facebook or Instagram or Google or whatever. I'm not hard to find. I don't know any other Moshae, M-O-S-H-A-E. I don't know any more.

Marcus Neto: Yeah, no, I've never heard heard of another one either. So you're very unique.

Moshae Donald: Thank you.

Marcus Neto: Well Moshae, I appreciate your willingness to sit with me and share your journey as a business owner and entrepreneur. It's been great talking with you.

Moshae Donald: Same here. Thank you so much.

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